LINDESA® in the profession
In the field of occupational skin protection, LINDESA is one of the best-known cosmetic brands. LINDESA products are characterised by optimal skin compatibility, best effectiveness and high acceptance. For decades, they have ensured that occupationally stressed skin remains healthy. In addition to industrial customers, our hand cream products are particularly appreciated by hospital staff.
Skin protection in profession
Skin diseases continue to be at the top of the list of reported occupational diseases.
The skin is constantly in contact with more or less damaging substances that endanger the health of this outer shell of the human being. Skin protection products have the task of preventing the occurrence of damage to the skin. They do not serve to contribute to the healing of an already existing skin damage. In this case, dermatological therapy prescribed by a doctor is required.
The use of skin protection products is an essential component in the prevention of occupational skin diseases. Therefore, skin protection products must be used constantly. In addition, the skin must be cleaned gently and thoroughly and the necessary skin care measures must be carried after work.
LINDESA® in the health sector
HospitalsClick here for the LINDESA® offer for hospitals:
LINDESA® in the industry
Industrial customers, industrial wholesalers & users in occupational health and safetyClick here for the LINDESA® offer for industrial customers:
LINDESA® in the pharmacy
Lindesa in pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesale tradeEB Medical GmbH
Franzstraße 75
D-50935 Köln
Tel. +49 221 2619426
Fax +49 221 2619427
All Lindesa products are available from any pharmacy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Various online pharmacies also stock our Lindesa range.